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Riverwalk School

About Us

School Name - Riverwalk School

School Information:

Riverwalk is a special educational needs school in Suffolk which caters for young people with severe learning difficulties (SLD), profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD), as well as physical and mobility difficulties. 

Suffolk County Council administers the admission process.  All our students have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). 

Number of current places and age range:

Riverwalk School has 205 places. We cater for children from Reception up to Year 11 (ages 4-19)

The primary need that the school/provision caters for:

  • Communication and interaction - Yes
  • Cognition and Learning - Yes
  • MLD - No
  • SLD - Yes
  • PMLD - Yes
  • Sensory and Physical - Yes
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) - No

Average class size and staffing model:

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): EYFS is based at the purpose build provision at Greene Road, on the site of Sexton’s Manor Primary School. On Greene Road site, Riverwalk have two classes which cater for EYFS and Key Stage 1 children. Children enjoy opportunities to play and learn in our outside spaces as well as their classrooms. Riverwalk also plan for learning opportunities at the main Riverwalk Campus site, which help to prepare children needing to transition there.

Children with profound and multiple learning difficulties access their learning at the main campus site on Mayfield Road.

Key stages 1, 2, 3 and 4: We aim to have class sizes of 10. On average, there is one teacher and 3 teaching assistants per class. Due to the needs of the students, some classes might have a higher number of staff.

Post 16: Our college consists of two classes. Students have a range of needs, including PMLD, ASD and complex medical needs.

Our post 16 curriculum is developed around Independence and Life Skills. Students work towards AQA award schemes that are followed from the 3 year AQA rolling programme.

Brief description of the curriculum offer:

The Curriculum at Riverwalk School is developmental and structured within 3 curriculum pathways:

  1. Explorers Pathway - students working at this pathway are working at the early stages of development. They are developing the skills of engagement using a range of motivating activities.

  1. Discoverers Pathway - Students working at this pathway have skills which enable them to engage in a range of activities. They are working alongside an adult to accept a challenge and persevere in tasks.

  1. Adventurers pathway - Students working at this pathway can work independently and alongside their peers.

Specialist spaces at the school:

  • Swimming pool - we do not have a swimming pool on site. We are in the process of fundraising for a hydrotherapy pool.  We access the leisure pool in Bury St Edmunds.
  • Sensory room(s) - we have 5 sensory rooms and a dark room
  • Music room
  • Soft-play room
  • Secondary gym
  • Communication room
  • Food technology room
  • Sensory playroom
  • 2 ICT rooms
  • Health Room - provides a base for the Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists, as well as Paediatrician Clinics.

How can a school tour be booked:

For further information and a school tour please contact our family support officers at

Further information on Admissions can be found at: Riverwalk School - Admissions