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Riverwalk School

Just Chat


Hello everyone

We would like to introduce “Just Chat” a new informal session for parents to meet with other parents and members of the school team and “Just Chat.” There will be refreshments including cake and biscuits and the opportunity to chat with us and other parents in a relaxed environment.  We are looking to run these sessions at a time that suits most parents best and provide information around topics that interest you!

Following our very successful Just Chat meetings, we are pleased to announce the following events. 

All parents are welcome at all Just Chat gatherings.

Wednesday 17th July 2024 - 10:00 - 11.30 - Our guest for this Just Chat gathering is Gemma Chaplin from the National Autistic Society.  She is the Continuous Improvement Lead working with the Autism Specialist Team (Quality and Assurance) and Deputy Area Manager for the South (East Anglia, Hertfordshire, and Kent).  Gemma has worked in the Learning Disability and Health and Social world since she was 17 starting her career at Riverwalk School going on to work for Mencap as a Registered CQC Manager and now the National Autistic Society.  She is happy to talk about transitions, support and access in the community and networking generally.  If you have any specific questions you would like to ask, please let us know in advance. 

Keep your eye on Facebook for further exciting news.

Steph, Jane, and Lucy your “Just Chat” team